UCSL is offering two £100 bursaries for PGRs participating in the Third World Congress of Scottish Literature in Prague, June 22-26. To be considered for one of these bursaries, please send the following material to Petra Poncarová (PetraJohana.Poncarova@ff.cuni.cz) and Eleanor Bell (eleanor.bell@strath.ac.uk) by 5pm GMT on Friday 3rd June: an abstract of your conference paper, a short academic C.V. (2 pages max), and a statement of any other funding you’re receiving to attend the conference. The bursaries may be put towards the cost of in-person or online participation. It is also possible to ask for a switch from online to in-person attendance with regard to the bursary. We are re-opening the CFP to any PGRs who did not submit an abstract earlier due to the cost of attendance.